© MCL & Associates, Inc. 2001 - 2025
MCL & Associates, Inc.
“Eliminating Chaos Through Process”
A Woman-Owned Company.


This multi-part article is the second in a series of five serialized parts that explores why all businesses, all
organizations, and all enterprises should consider daily standups as an integral part of their overall
project and operational communication planning. 

Despite the adoption of the Agile framework globally, having a daily standup seems to have been thrown
to the side as a waste of everyone’s time.  This article asserts the contrary, that maintaining a disciplined
daily standup regimen is absolutely necessary from a communication and conflict resolution perspective.

It explores eleven common reasons why projects – and by extension, daily operations – fail, and how
daily stand-ups are a necessary first step to achieving overall outcome success.

Go to Previous Part 1

Eleven Good Reasons for Daily Standups – Part 2

The Agile Framework

As outlined in the official history of the Agile Manifesto (agilemanifesto.org_1):

“On February 11-13, 2001, at The Lodge at Snowbird ski resort in the Wasatch mountains of Utah,
seventeen people met to talk, ski, relax, and try to find common ground—and of course, to eat.
What emerged was the Agile ‘Software Development’ Manifesto. Representatives from Extreme
Programming, SCRUM, DSDM, Adaptive Software Development, Crystal, Feature-Driven
Development, Pragmatic Programming, and others sympathetic to the need for an alternative to
documentation driven, heavyweight software development processes convene.”

In the two decades since the publication of the Agile Manifesto (agilemanifesto.org_2, 2001), the Agile
framework has been applied to all sorts of business processes, technical and non-technical, project
efforts, and ongoing operations. The backbone of that process is the daily “scrum”.

When it comes right down to it, the Agile framework is all about efficient and effective communication,
followed up by efficient and effective implementation, which often requires additional efficient and
effective communication, throughout. It is a modified example of the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle.

I am a big fan of daily standup team meetings. Therefore, it should not be surprising that I am a big fan of
Agile. As far back as the early 2000s when I was first exposed to a book written by one of the original
manifesto signatories, Kent Beck. Beck’s book, “Xtreme Programming” (1999), the whole idea of creating
a “new discipline of development” (Beck, p. 5) organized and clarified many of the issues I had noticed as
a database developer, business analyst, and project manager.

Since that time, Agile has attained the status as the next new bright, shiny object in the never-ending
pantheon of IT and Quality Management delights. It follows previous bright shiny objects of TQM, ISO
9000 and 9001, Six Sigma, CMM, CMMI, etc. The Agile framework has been applied to all sorts of
business processes, technical and non-technical, project efforts, and ongoing operations.

Yet -- after over two decades -- there is still no empirical evidence available that objectively demonstrates
that Agile -- or SAFe, its enterprise, steroid equivalent -- is more efficient or effective than any other
framework being used today. Despite reported DevOps successes like the influential book, “Accelerate”
(Forsgren, Humble, & Kim, 2018) there is no confirmed data to justify a conclusion that Agile or SAFe can
increase productivity when applied to non-DevOps procedures, by itself.

For the purposes of this article, I will refrain as much as possible from referring specifically to Agile
terminology: e.g., “scrum”. “Daily standup” should be taken as its equivalent for Agile purists.
Communication is all about context. Technical terms are useful when talking to other knowledgeable
professionals in a specific field. When used in the context of a mixed audience -- technical professionals
and those who are not -- it is just an ego-driven way of excluding some from participation.

As reported in a November 2021 article entitled, “The Standish Group Reports 83.9% of IT Projects Fail --
How to Save Yours” (Opendoor Technology), only 16.2% of IT projects were reported as having been
completed on time and on budget. 52.7% of the reported projects were “challenged”, i.e., projects
declared to have been completed and approved, but whose outcomes were either late, over budget, and
had fewer features and functions than originally specified. The remaining report projects (31.1%), were
considered to be complete failures, projects either abandoned altogether or canceled.

Without splitting hairs to what extent, a “challenged” project might be declared a “success” to save one’s
professional career or to justify continued budget funding, let us minimally agree that project continuity
and success -- and by extension operational continuity and success -- still has a long way to go.

The opendoor.com article cites ten factors contributing to projects failing to achieve complete success: 1).
Incomplete Requirements, 2). Lack of user involvement, 3). Lack of resources, 4). Unrealistic
expectations, 5). Lack of executive support, 6). Changing Requirements and Specifications, 7). Lack of
planning, 8). Didn’t need it any longer, 9). Lack of IT management, and 10).Technical illiteracy. I would
add an eleventh contributing factor: failure to keep pace with the increasing velocity of change.

Contrary to what many marketing professionals and business management consultants strongly imply,
you cannot just go out and buy a miracle. Having the right sort of fairy dust in hand, you cannot just
sprinkle it about and make all of your project and operational problems disappear.

My own professional experience -- and the anecdotal evidence collected in informal chats with other
process professionals -- leads me to believe that most frameworks -- including Agile -- are quickly
adopted in various hybrid proofs of concept efforts, and just as quickly abandoned or left to die at the side
of the road when stove pipe short-cuts are more convenient.

The opendoor.com article does not mention poor communication or a lack of accurate and timely
information as a contributing factor, neither is internal and external conflict resolution.

Not surprisingly, that seems more than a little odd to me.

(Continue to Part 3)


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Business Transition Blog
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